Frequently Asked Questions
Is AirGuard™ LT shipped assembled?
The AirGuard™ LT is shipped unassembled. It takes only minutes to easily fold perforated edges together.
What should I clean the guards with?
All AirGuard™ units can be cleaned with a disinfectant such as Cavi-Wipes. We recommend using a soft cloth such as lint-free cotton or microfiber to reduce haze.
Is the high-def camera and magnification Bluetooth capable?
AirGuard™ models are not Bluetooth compatible. This capability is being considered for future designs.
Can I use a clear plastic barrier over the shield unit without obstructing the camera or magnification?
We recommend using the AirGuard™ XP unit without a plastic barrier for optimum viewing.
Can I move the units from one operatory to another?
All AirGuard™ units can be moved; however, we recommend you purchase an AirGuard™ LT for each suction unit.
Is the integrated lighting movable or dimmable?
All the LED lights are dimmable and the guard can be adjusted to direct the lighting to the proper position.
Do I have to download images to my network or are they automatically linked to the patient file?
Files can be downloaded to a USB thumb drive to be transferred from the unit. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth integrations for easy transfer of files are being considered for future designs.
Is there a manufacturer warranty?
The manufacturer warranty is 90 days.
Who do I contact if there is a problem with the unit?
If you have any problems or questions about our products, contact the sales team directly at:
Have More Questions?
Have more questions or ready to buy? Our experienced team is excited to answer your questions and get an AirGuard™ in your office today. Contact us and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.